Tease neighbours by vile sounds! Mocks behind wall!Annoying sounds nasty harmful to the neighbours! Including the maximum volume - mocks the people be
Tease neighbours by vile sounds! Mocks behind wall!
Annoying sounds nasty harmful to the neighbours! Including the maximum volume - mocks the people behind the wall! Theyll be furious!
Set nasty sounds are sure to impress the most peaceful tenants:
a drill, a dog barking, a baby crying! These sounds are all enraged! Avenge the neighbours for sleepless nights and sore head in the morning!
For maximum stimulation involves applying middle of the night, when the door or the wall everyone is asleep!
ATTENTION! Tease neighbours - application joke, a joke! Remember that a mockery of tenants of the house can lead to a quarrel, and even open conflict! Think before harm familiar people! Rather than annoy your friends, tell them about the problem of loud behavior and do not quarrel with the tenants!
But if there is no other way, and understanding not - connect the phone to the powered speakers, turn the speakers on the wall, and turn the nastiest sound!